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2025 Training has been cancelled.  If you were on our contact list for the cancelled 2025 Training cycle, you will automatically be placed on the contact list for 2026 Orientation Day & Training.

If you are interested in 2026 training, please read below:



Calling all mountain bikers age 18 and over!


The Mountain Bike Unit, sponsored by the National Park Service (NPS) and California State Parks (CDPR) as well as the Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority (MRCA), is looking for mountain bikers who might be interested in joining the unit.


 Here's what it's all about:

The MBU assists in providing park visitors with a quality outdoor experience while preserving natural resources patrolling over 60 thousand acres of public parkland in the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area.

Beginning in February 2025, training will include visitor contact skills, radio use, park rules and regulations, First Aid and CPR, and field training exercises.

All degrees of riding experience are welcome!

Patrol areas include National Park Service locations (Cheeseboro/ Palo Comado and Zuma/Trancas Canyons, Rancho Sierra Vista, and Circle X Ranch) and State Park locations (Malibu Creek, Will Rogers, Point Mugu, and Topanga). In addition, we patrol MRCA areas near metropolitan Los Angeles.

You patrol with an MBU partner, self-scheduled on the MBU website.  Patrolling average of 8 hours per month is all we ask.

Other activities in which the MBU participates include the Youth Adventures Program which offers disadvantaged youth an opportunity to enjoy mountain bike experiences in the parks, plus assisting in such events as Wheel to the Sea and the Los Angeles Marathon. 

Would you like to learn more? Email us!


The next orientation meeting will be at 8:30am on a Saturday, January 24 2026, at King Gillette Ranch. This will be an indoor meeting to learn more about patrolling with the MBU. Bring your bike and helmet, and if the weather is good, we'll go on an optional fun ride after the presentation.

For more information and to be added to our mailing list, contact 

Address and google maps link to King Gillette Ranch:  

26800 Mulholland Hwy, Calabasas, CA 91302


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